Network+ vs Security+

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Network+ vs Security+ II Complete Analysis 2023


In the ever-evolving landscape of information technology, staying relevant and competitive is paramount. Two certifications that often come into focus for aspiring IT professionals are Network+ and Security+. These credentials hold tremendous value in the industry and can significantly boost one’s career prospects. In this comprehensive article, we will be discussing  the differences between Network+ and Security+ certifications, their respective focuses, and the benefits they offer to help you make an informed decision on which path to pursue.

Network+ vs Security+: Understanding the Basics

Before we get into the details, let’s briefly understand what is Network+ and Security+ certifications.

what is Network+

Network+ is a vendor-neutral certification offered by CompTIA. It is designed to validate the skills and knowledge necessary to design, implement, manage, and troubleshoot both wired and wireless networks. The certification covers various networking concepts, including networking technologies, installation and configuration, media and topologies, and network management.

what is Security+

Security+ is another esteemed certification provided by CompTIA. It focuses on validating the expertise required to secure and protect information systems. This certification covers topics such as network security, compliance and operational security, threats and vulnerabilities, access control, and cryptography


To take the Network+ and Security+ certification exams, candidates must meet certain prerequisites to ensure they have the foundational knowledge required for success.

Network+ Prerequisites

CompTIA recommends that candidates for Network+ have at least nine months of networking experience and basic knowledge of network protocols, hardware, and infrastructure. However, there are no strict prerequisites, and individuals with a passion for networking and a desire to advance their careers in the field can also pursue this certification.

Security+ Prerequisites

For Security+, CompTIA recommends that candidates possess Network+ certification and two years of experience in IT administration, with a security focus. Alternatively, candidates can demonstrate equivalent knowledge by completing the CompTIA Security+ training course.

It’s essential for potential candidates to thoroughly assess their level of expertise and experience before choosing the certification path that best suits their career goals.

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Domains Covered in Network+ vs Security+


Domain % of the Exam Content 
1.Networking Fundamentals                                       24%
2. Network Implementations                                       19%
3. Network Operations                                       16%
4. Network Security                                       19%
5. Network Troubleshooting                                       22%
Total                                      100%


1.Security Fundamentals                                      24%
2.Architecture and Design                                      21%
3.Implementation                                      25%
4.Operations and Incident Response                                      16%
5.Security Assessment and Testing                                       14%

Exam Structure and Format

Understanding the format and structure of the certification exams can significantly contribute to effective exam preparation.

Network+ Exam Structure

The Network+ exam (N10-008) comprises multiple-choice questions and performance-based questions. Candidates are required to demonstrate their ability to apply networking knowledge to real-world scenarios in the performance-based questions. The exam consists of approximately 90 questions, and candidates have 90 minutes to complete it. The passing score is 720 on a scale of 100 to 900.

Security+ Exam Structure

The Security+ exam (SY0-601) also includes multiple-choice questions and performance-based questions. The performance-based questions assess candidates’ practical skills in various security-related tasks. The exam typically contains around 90 questions, and the time allowed is 90 minutes.  The passing score is 750 (on a scale of 100-900)

Both exams are challenging and require thorough preparation to succeed. Time management is crucial during the exams, as candidates must carefully read and understand the questions to provide accurate and efficient responses.

Difficulty Level Network+ vs Security+

The difficulty level of certification exams is an important consideration for potential candidates. Let’s explore the difficulty level of Network+ and Security+ exams.

Network+ Exam

The Network+ exam is regarded as moderately challenging. It assesses candidates’ knowledge of networking concepts, making it suitable for individuals with some prior experience in the field. Aspiring candidates can adequately prepare for the exam through a structured study plan and the utilization of quality study materials.

Security+ Exam

The Security+ exam is considered to be more challenging than Network+. It delves into a broad range of cybersecurity topics, necessitating a comprehensive understanding of security practices. Candidates are required to have a solid grasp of cybersecurity fundamentals and industry best practices.

It is advisable for candidates to gain some real-world experience in cybersecurity or undergo specialized training before attempting the Security+ exam.

Cost Comparison

The cost of obtaining a certification is a crucial factor to consider when making your decision.

Network+ Exam Cost

As of the latest information, the Network+ exam cost is approximately $358 USD. This fee may vary based on location and any additional study materials or resources candidates choose to purchase.

Security+ Exam Cost

The Security+ exam, on the other hand, costs approximately $392 USD. Like Network+, this cost may differ depending on factors such as location and optional study resources.

Candidates should also factor in the potential cost of training courses or additional study materials they might need to ensure success in the exams.

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Job Role, Responsibility, and Salary

Both Network+ and Security+ certifications offer diverse and promising career paths for certified professionals.

CompTIA Network+ certified job role, responsibility, and salary

Job Role Responsibility Salary (USD)
Network Administrator Configure, manage, and troubleshoot computer networks. $62,000 – $99,000
Network Engineer Design, implement, and maintain computer networks. $72,000 – $120,000
Network Security Engineer Protect computer networks from unauthorized access and cyberattacks. $80,000 – $130,000
Network Analyst Analyze network traffic and identify security threats. $65,000 – $95,000
Network Support Specialist Provide technical support to users of computer networks. $50,000 – $75,000


 CompTIA Security+ certified job role, responsibility, and salary

Job Role Responsibility Salary (USD)
Security Analyst Analyze security logs and data to identify and investigate security incidents. $65,000 – $95,000
Security Engineer Design, implement, and maintain security solutions. $75,000 – $125,000
Security Architect Design and oversee the implementation of security policies and procedures. $85,000 – $145,000
Security Consultant Provide advice and guidance on security matters to businesses and organizations. $90,000 – $150,000
Security Manager Oversee the security team and ensure that the organization’s security posture is maintained. $100,000 – $175,000


How to Renew your CompTIA Certifications

Certifications typically have an expiration date, and professionals must recertify to keep their credentials valid.

How to Renew your CompTIA Certifications

Network+ Renewal and Recertification

The Network+ certification is valid for 3 years from the date of passing. To recertify, candidates can either retake the current Network+ exam or participate in the CompTIA Continuing Education (CE) program, which allows them to earn continuing education units (CEUs) through various activities, such as attending seminars and webinars or completing online courses.

Security+ Renewal and Recertification

Like Network+, the Security+ certification is also valid for 3 years. To renew the certification, candidates can either pass the current Security+ exam again or earn CEUs through the CompTIA CE program.

It’s crucial for certified professionals to plan their recertification ahead of time to avoid any lapses in their credentials.

Exam Tips and Tricks

To enhance your chances of success in the Network+ and Security+ exams, consider the following tips and tricks:

  1. Create a Study Plan: Develop a structured study plan to cover all exam objectives systematically.
  2. Practice with Simulations: Utilize practice exams and simulations to familiarize yourself with the exam format and content.
  3. Hands-On Experience: Gain hands-on experience with networking or cybersecurity technologies to reinforce theoretical knowledge.
  4. Stay Updated: Stay informed about the latest industry trends and best practices through online resources and professional networks.
  5. Time Management: During the exam, allocate time wisely to address all questions without rushing.

Employing these strategies can significantly boost your confidence and performance on exam day.

Industry Recognition

Both Network+ and Security+ certifications are recognized and valued by employers and industry peers.

Recognition of Network+ Certification

Employers appreciate Network+ certified professionals for their proficiency in managing network infrastructure, which is fundamental for any organization’s success. Additionally, industry peers respect the breadth of knowledge demonstrated by those holding this certification.

Recognition of Security+ Certification

Security+ certified professionals are highly esteemed for their ability to identify and mitigate security threats, making them invaluable assets in the battle against cybercrime. Industry recognition of Security+ demonstrates a candidate’s dedication to upholding the highest security standards.

Employers often prioritize candidates with these esteemed certifications, making them stand out in a competitive job market.

Advantages of Holding Both Certifications

Advantages of Holding Both Certifications

While Network+ and Security+ are distinct certifications, there are significant advantages to obtaining both credentials.

Having both certifications showcases a well-rounded skillset that covers networking fundamentals, infrastructure management, and cybersecurity practices. This makes certified professionals more versatile and desirable to employers seeking candidates with expertise in both areas.

Moreover, combining Network+ and Security+ certifications can open doors to more advanced IT positions, including roles in network security administration, IT management, and cybersecurity leadership.

Popularity and Industry Demand

Both Network+ and Security+ certifications are highly valued in the IT industry, and employers actively seek certified professionals to reinforce their workforce.

Network+ certification holders are often sought after by organizations with extensive network infrastructures. Industries such as telecommunications, healthcare, finance, and government heavily rely on skilled network professionals to maintain their operations.

Security+ certification, on the other hand, is particularly popular in the cybersecurity domain. With the escalating frequency and sophistication of cyber threats, companies across all sectors are keen on hiring Security+ certified experts to safeguard their data and systems.

The demand for both certifications is expected to rise steadily as technology continues to evolve, and data security remains a top priority for organizations worldwide.

Skillset Comparison

The skillsets developed through Network+ and Security+ certifications are unique and tailored to specific IT domains.

Network+ Skillset

  • Proficiency in network design and implementation.
  • Knowledge of network components, protocols, and topologies.
  • Troubleshooting network issues and ensuring seamless connectivity.
  • Familiarity with network security practices.

Security+ Skillset

  • Comprehensive understanding of cybersecurity concepts.
  • Ability to identify and mitigate security risks and threats.
  • Implementation of access controls and encryption techniques.
  • Knowledge of compliance and operational security practices.

While Network+ focuses on network infrastructure and connectivity, Security+ hones in on securing information systems and data. Aspiring professionals should consider their affinity towards networking or cybersecurity when choosing the right certification.

Study Materials and Resources

To ace the certification exams, candidates must have access to quality study materials and resources that cover the required topics comprehensively.

Recommended Study Materials for Network+

  1. CompTIA Network+ Study Guide: This comprehensive guide covers all the exam objectives, providing in-depth explanations and practice questions.
  2. Official CompTIA Network+ Study Materials: CompTIA offers official study materials, including e-books and practice exams, designed specifically for exam preparation.
  3. Online Networking Forums and Communities: Engaging in discussions with fellow candidates and networking professionals can provide valuable insights and practical tips.

Recommended Study Materials for Security+

  1. CompTIA Security+ Study Guide: This guide covers all the exam domains and includes practice questions to test your knowledge.
  2. Official CompTIA Security+ Resources: CompTIA offers official study materials and practice exams that align with the exam objectives.
  3. Cybersecurity Courses and Training: Enrolling in specialized cybersecurity courses can enhance your understanding of security principles and best practices.

It’s essential for candidates to use a combination of study materials and resources to prepare thoroughly for the exams.

Real-Life Application

The knowledge gained from Network+ and Security+ certifications has real-life applications in various job roles.

Real-Life Application of Network+

Professionals with Network+ certification often find themselves involved in:

  • Designing and implementing secure network infrastructures for organizations.
  • Troubleshooting network connectivity issues to minimize downtime.
  • Collaborating with teams to optimize network performance and reliability.

Real-Life Application of Security+

Security+ certified professionals play critical roles in:

  • Identifying and mitigating potential security risks and vulnerabilities.
  • Developing and implementing security policies and measures to protect sensitive data.
  • Responding to security incidents and
Success Stories
CompTIA certification Success Stories

The success stories of professionals who have achieved Network+ and Security+ certifications serve as inspiration for aspiring candidates.

Network+ Success Story

Jane, a passionate networking enthusiast, pursued the Network+ certification to kickstart her IT career. Armed with her newly acquired knowledge, she landed a job as a Network Administrator at a prominent technology firm. Her expertise in designing and troubleshooting networks has helped the company enhance its network infrastructure and improve overall productivity.

Security+ Success Story

Michael, with a strong interest in cybersecurity, obtained the Security+ certification to pursue his dream of becoming a cybersecurity analyst. His dedication and skills caught the attention of a renowned cybersecurity firm, and he now plays a pivotal role in safeguarding sensitive client data from cyber threats.

These success stories highlight the immense potential and career opportunities that Network+ and Security+ certifications can unlock for determined professionals.

Common Misconceptions 

Various misconceptions surround Network+ and Security+ certifications. Let’s address some of the most prevalent ones.

Common Misconception About Network+

Misconception: Network+ is only relevant for entry-level professionals and has limited career growth potential.

Reality: While Network+ is an excellent starting point for beginners, it is also valuable for experienced professionals seeking to enhance their networking skills and advance their careers. The certification’s vendor-neutral approach ensures it remains relevant across diverse industries and job roles.

Common Misconception About Security+

Misconception: Security+ is exclusively for cybersecurity specialists and not suitable for professionals from other IT domains.

Reality: Security+ is designed to cater to individuals interested in cybersecurity, regardless of their prior expertise. It equips candidates with foundational cybersecurity knowledge and best practices, making it valuable for IT professionals seeking to specialize in cybersecurity.

Decision-Making Factors

Choosing between Network+ and Security+ certifications requires careful consideration of various factors.

Factors to Consider

  1. Interests and Passions: Evaluate whether you have a stronger affinity for networking or cybersecurity.
  2. Career Aspirations: Consider your long-term career goals and the job roles you wish to pursue.
  3. Experience Level: Assess your existing knowledge and experience in networking or security domains.
  4. Industry Demand: Research the demand for certified professionals in your chosen area.
  5. Personal Growth: Reflect on how each certification aligns with your personal and professional growth aspirations.

By weighing these factors, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your career ambitions.

Case Studies

To gain a deeper understanding of the practical implications of these certifications, let’s examine two case studies.

Case Study 1: Network+ in Action

Company X, a fast-growing tech startup, faced frequent network outages due to a lack of proper network management. They hired a Network+ certified professional, Mark, to address the issue. Mark efficiently redesigned the network infrastructure, implementing redundancies and security measures. As a result, Company X experienced fewer disruptions, increased productivity, and improved customer satisfaction.

Case Study 2: Security+ in Action

Company Y, a financial institution, was concerned about potential cyber threats and data breaches. They recruited a Security+ certified specialist, Sarah, to strengthen their security measures. Sarah implemented advanced security protocols, conducted regular security assessments, and trained employees on cybersecurity best practices. Thanks to Sarah’s expertise, Company Y successfully thwarted several attempted cyber-attacks and significantly reduced security risks.

These case studies exemplify how Network+ and Security+ certified professionals contribute to their organizations’ success by leveraging their specialized skills.

Future Trends

The IT industry is continuously evolving, and so are the roles of Network+ and Security+ certified professionals.

Network+ Future Trends

With the emergence of new networking technologies, Network+ certified professionals can expect increased demand for their skills in:

  • Cloud Networking: The adoption of cloud-based infrastructure necessitates professionals proficient in cloud networking technologies.
  • Internet of Things (IoT): IoT devices require specialized network configurations and security protocols.

Security+ Future Trends

Security+ certified professionals will remain in high demand as cybersecurity threats continue to evolve. Key areas where their expertise will be sought include:

  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) Security: AI-powered applications and systems will require robust security measures to prevent exploitation.
  • Internet of Things (IoT) Security: As IoT devices become more prevalent, the need for securing interconnected networks will rise.

Expert Recommendations

Industry experts stress the importance of obtaining certifications to stay competitive in the IT job market. Earning both Network+ and Security+ certifications offers a broad skillset that can open doors to diverse and rewarding job opportunities.

Experts advise candidates to:

  • Thoroughly prepare for the exams through self-study or formal training.
  • Gain practical experience through internships or entry-level positions.
  • Stay updated with the latest industry trends and innovations.

By following these recommendations, aspiring professionals can position themselves for success in the IT industry.

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In the ever-changing landscape of IT, Network+ and Security+ certifications stand out as valuable assets that can elevate an individual’s career trajectory. Network+ focuses on mastering networking technologies, while Security+ emphasizes cybersecurity principles. Both certifications offer diverse and rewarding career paths, each with its own unique opportunities and challenges.

Before embarking on your certification journey, carefully consider your interests, career aspirations, and current expertise.

Network+ is ideal for those passionate about network infrastructure and management, while Security+ is tailored for individuals interested in safeguarding information systems and combating cyber threats.

Remember that obtaining both certifications can significantly enhance your skillset, making you a versatile and sought-after IT professional. Employers highly value certified professionals for their demonstrated expertise and dedication to staying current with industry best practices.

As you prepare for the exams, utilize quality study materials, engage with online communities, and gain practical experience through internships or entry-level positions. Time management during the exams is crucial, so ensure you allocate sufficient time for each question.

Finally, stay abreast of the latest industry trends and future advancements to remain relevant in the ever-changing IT landscape. Embrace continuous learning, as it is the key to sustained success in this dynamic field.

Whether you choose Network+ or Security+ certification, rest assured that both paths lead to promising and fulfilling careers in the thriving world of information technology.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q: What is the difference between Network+ and Security+ certifications?

A: Network+ focuses on networking technologies and infrastructure, covering topics like network design, troubleshooting, and management. On the other hand, Security+ centers on cybersecurity principles and practices, such as threat detection, access control, and data protection.

Q: Can I pursue both Network+ and Security+ certifications simultaneously?

A: Yes, you can pursue both certifications simultaneously if you have the time and dedication to study for both exams. Earning both certifications can expand your skillset and enhance your career prospects in the IT industry.

Q: Are there any prerequisites for taking the Network+ exam?

A: While CompTIA recommends having nine months of networking experience, there are no strict prerequisites for the Network+ exam. Anyone with an interest in networking can take the exam.

Q: Is the Security+ exam more difficult than the Network+ exam?

A: Yes, the Security+ exam is generally considered more challenging than the Network+ exam. The Security+ exam covers a broader range of cybersecurity topics, requiring candidates to have a solid understanding of security principles and practices.

Q: How long is the validity of Network+ and Security+ certifications?

A: Both Network+ and Security+ certifications are valid for three years from the date of completion. After three years, you must recertify to maintain your credentials.

Q: Can I recertify my Network+ certification by taking the Security+ exam?

A: No, you cannot recertify your Network+ certification by taking the Security+ exam. Each certification requires separate recertification methods, such as retaking the same exam or earning continuing education units (CEUs) through the CompTIA CE program.

Q: What career paths can I pursue with a Network+ certification?

A: With a Network+ certification, you can pursue careers as a network administrator, network technician, IT support specialist, or other networking-related roles in various industries.

Q: What job roles are available for Security+ certified professionals?

A: Security+ certified professionals can explore job roles such as cybersecurity analyst, information assurance technician, security specialist, and other cybersecurity-related positions in diverse industries.

Q: Are Network+ and Security+ certifications recognized by employers?

A: Yes, both certifications are highly valued by employers across the IT industry. Holding these certifications can make your resume stand out and increase your chances of landing rewarding job opportunities.

Q: Can I take the Network+ or Security+ exam online?

A: As exam delivery methods may change over time, it’s best to check with CompTIA’s official website or authorized testing centers for the most current information on exam delivery options.

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