Benefits Of CompTIA Pentest+ Certification ?

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Benefits Of CompTIA Pentest+ Certification ?
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Benefits Of CompTIA Pentest+ Certification

Cybercrime is a problem that is expected to grow more significantly in the next few years. And
that means, globally people might lose up to $10 trillion annually. As cybercrimes increase.
Especially due to COVID-19, attacks on organizations increase as well. So most companies now
hire experts to make sure their data is not breached. This security is a very important factor in
today’s world.
Applying for a role as the cyber security expert of an organization, we see that most HR
personnel look for specific certifications, like the CompTIA Pentest+ Certification. When
someone takes the new version of this test, they are certified on the basis of their knowledge in
dealing with cyber attacks. With this certification, you become a great source of knowledge to
stop the latest attacks from the cloud, hybrid environments, and even web applications. The
concept of more ethical hacking like vulnerability scanning and code analysis is also well taught
in the course.
But first a little intro into the world of the CompTIA Pentest+ Certification Course.

What Is The CompTIA Pentest+ Certification Course?
This intermediate-level course in the world of IT makes sure that the professional can accurately
identify, and manage vulnerabilities on a network and test them. This test is proof of beyond
entry-level knowledge and shows that the individual is competent, can fit with the team
immediately, and can hit the ground running.
Climbing the corporate ladder in a career in cyber security means knowing all the technical
knowledge in penetration testing as well as vulnerability management skills. This test allows you
to have those intermediate-level cybersecurity skills. The exams are made by a team of IT
professionals, so the knowledge, skills, and abilities of the examinee regarding cybersecurity
pros are tested thoroughly.
After an individual passes the test, they have many skills to add to their existing list. The
professional can now plan and scope out a penetration testing engagement. They are also aware
of the legal and compliance requirements. They can also perform vulnerability scanning and
penetration testing with the help of appropriate tools and techniques. And they can also analyze
the results of the testing process. Their line of duty ends with the production of a written report

containing proposed remediation techniques, effectively communicating results to the
management team, and providing practical recommendations.
You might want to get the certification done because you like the field and want to expand your
knowledge. But there are many practical benefits to the course as well.

Benefits Of CompTIA Pentest+ Certification

1. Prove Your Knowledge

Certifications are written proof that you are knowledgeable in your line of work, and the
is no different. It proves to your future employee that you have
the required skills to handle any threats that might come your way. The hands-on training part
of the course ensures that you can manage any vulnerabilities that are present in the network and
deal with them.

2. Earn the Industry Standard

The CompTIA Pentest + is the industry standard testing system that gives an assurance of
quality. It is extremely beneficial in establishing your career as a pen tester and is a mark above
others vying for the same role. Thus we see that when an HR person is interviewing for a
position that is not for a beginner, they reject anyone without this certification instantly. As an
intermediate-level certificate, this ensures that the professional earns what is due.

3. Get Your Foot in the Door

For a career in the field of IT, you will notice that a certificate is almost always required. A job
cannot be had with no skills and experience. And getting a computer degree from a college is
time-consuming, not to mention extremely costly. For those who cannot afford that, a better way
to kickstart your career is through these certifications. These make sure that your CV is still in
the running for the position. With a CompTIA Pretest + certificate, your chances of getting hired
are much higher than the average applier.

4. Make an Impact

Your career in the IT field should be constantly evolving like the field itself. As you get such a
prestigious certification done, it becomes a mark to your peers. You can also make yourself
distinguishable from others this way. Studies have proven that an employee with certifications
like this is most likely to work at a higher level than those with no degrees

5. Progress Along a Career Roadmap

While getting a certification in the field of cyber security, many might not understand the
relevance of it in their career. But a CompTIA Pentest + certification is sure to put you on a
ladder that would take you to a better stage in your career. With the help of tools available,
anyone with this degree can make a great impact on their overall career.

6. Expect Huge Success

Many might not realize exactly how great getting the CompTIA Pentest + course done from a
reliable institute can help. These certifications are the best way to make sure you are
indispensable to your employer. These certificates also work as a filter for organizations to see
which candidates would be a right fit for them. Studies have also shown that when promotions
are considered, an individual with relevant certificates is given more priority.

7. Choice Of Job Role

A certification should always be gotten from a reliable source. This would help you understand
the true significance of it, and how you can apply your knowledge elsewhere. Getting a
CompTIA Pentest+ certification does not mean that your job would be boring. Many job roles
require this certification, some of them are-
● Vulnerability Tester
● Security Analyst (Ii)
● Vulnerability Assessment Analyst
● Network Security Operations
● Application Security Vulnerability

8. Choice Of Organization
The job roles are not the only versatile part of doing a CompTIA Pentest+ certification. The jobs
available in the market that requires this are many, and similarly, the companies that look for
those certificates are numerous as well. Here is a small list of organizations that recommend
getting the certification done-
● Global Cyber Security
● SecureWorks
● North State Technology Solutions
● BlackFire Consulting
● TransUnion
● Integra LifeSciences
● Enterprise Holdings
● Paylocity

9. Access To Experience Trainers

Getting your CompTIA Pentest + certificate from a reputed site like Careermaker ensures that
you will have all the help you need. From customized training to original study material and
year-round access to laps, the amenities are many. But the best thing is probably their certified
trainers with 20+ years of experience present to impart their wisdom. Any doubts you may have
about the course or curriculum are resolved immediately and expertly by these professionals.

10. Detailed Understanding Of The Course

Undertaking any course entails knowing all about its materials and scopes. Thus it becomes
important to select an institution that covers these points in detail, helping you understand how
you can use what you learn at your job. Getting a CompTIA Pentest + certification is hand son,
where you learn all about the various applications of your knowledge, as well as what to do in
times of threat.

So, we understand that doing a course for the CompTIA Pentest+ Certification training is not just an enriching experience but quite valuable for your career as well. This would help you gather the
the knowledge you require and move on with your career with great ease.

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